Mike Whitfield Smashes Bootcamp Boredom by Using Boot Camp Workout Challenges
Boot Camp Challenges
There seems to be bootcamps popping up just about every month.
“There seems to be bootcamps popping up just about every month”, says Mike Whitfield, a trainer in Atlanta GA who writes online fitness programs.
With the recently released program Bootcamp Challenge Workouts from bootcamp expert Shawna Kaminski, there are tools at our fingertips that trainers can use to “wow” campers with their workouts.
Bootcamp workouts can get boring and stale, and by using challenges, campers can get more than just a workout, but something to look forward to every day.
One of Shawna’s most popular bootcamp challenge is from her new program, Bootcamp Challenge Workouts, and trainers can use in their bootcamps: As many reps as possible set: Count the total rounds completed in 12 minutes.
Partial rounds will not be counted, only complete rounds for the count for the final score.
Equipment: Timer, dumbbells, jump rope
10 Burpees 10 Renegade Row Pushups 10 Mountain Climbers (per leg) 10 DB Walking Lunges (per leg) 10 DB Squats 50 Skips
Campers will choose and record a DB weight that they can use for the renegade pushup, walking lunges and squats.
Repeat the the round as many times as possible using the same dumbbells in 12 minutes, resting as little as possible.
Campers then record only complete rounds.
Challenges like this will have campers looking forward to each and every workout, but more importantly, avoiding burnout and boredom. Shawna’s program is easy to follow, and you can even use the challenges from the manual on your own workouts.
The Bootcamp Challenge Workouts system really over-delivers. It comes with over a year’s worth of challenging, done-for-you workouts and a mix-and-match nutrition plan, which is one of the biggest pieces missing from most bootcamp programs.
The exercise library makes it easy to reference to, especially with the unusual exercises. In fact, that’s one of the biggest advantages of this unique program. Bootcamp Challenge Workouts takes out the boredom of the same old exercises you see in many other bootcamp workouts.
Shawna really delivered in this one-of-a-kind Bootcamp program and using the challenges in this manual will easily be a client magnet. It’s easily the one of the most cutting-edge marketing system you can get to not only increase your membership, but keep loyal clients for years.
You can read more about Shawna’s amazing program here at this website: http://www.bootcampexercises.net/go/Bootcamp-Challenges-Special/